Tag Tuesday's Challenge this time is "Books/Book Pages."
I decided to put a girl in a library with a book, and chose a graphic that had the pages formed into a heart, hence, "Reading love stories in the library."
I used to love going to the library, and when I was young, I read a book-a-day, up until my 30s. I used to check out ten books, because I read so many books, I forgot which I had read sometimes, and usually each week I got at least seven books that were new to me.
Libraries aren't held in the high esteem these days as the way we thought about them when I was young, and for many, many years before I was even born. All you have to do is research old libraries and see the architecture of some of the big ones to know they were important buildings.
Now I download audiobooks from my library, not the same as reading a book, but I'm hooked on the audiobooks and I still get a lot of new stories every week.
Thanks for stopping by. Until next time...