The challenge for this fortnight's tag is "Roses."
I created this tag from some tea-stained copy paper I made, then added scraps of papers and materials I had on hand. Just a lot of ephemera! Everything got inked around the edges and glued down, a hole was punched and I inserted a grommet/washer on the top and pounded it down.
Then I added the stamp "Appreciate everything" and outlined it. I also colored in the little black and white picture of the flower on the lower left corner with some colored felt tipped pens.
Next I glued six fabric roses onto the branch.
This tag has a pocket, so I used my felt tipped colored pens to add color to a picture of a flower, glued one of the fabric roses on it, and inserted it into the pocket.
I was happy with the way it turned out. 😊
Thanks for stopping by. Until next time...