My interests vary from time to time but I'm always involved in some form of art creation: AI art generation, digital graphics, sketching, acrylic/or watercolors, mixed media art, photography, quilting, zentangling, handmade cards, etc, I move from one to another, back and forth between different artistic genres. Here's My Art Bag of the most current things I'm up to. Take a look and leave a message... I'd love to hear what you think.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Tag Tuesday - Cats

The prompt this time at Tag Tuesday is "Cats."  I've created four different art pieces for the Cats theme:

This Challenge was fun!  So many different options, it's impossible to choose favorites - just like real cats!

Thanks for stopping by!  See you next time...


Valerie-Jael said...

I LOVE them all. The fist one is like my lovely Kitty was, so definitely my BIG favourite! Thanks for linking o Tag Tuesday, much appreciated, Valerie

Kym Decker said...

So Sweet! Lovely work! Amazing art!

Digital Whisper said...

Awww I love them all :)

Michele said...

all are such charming and lovable cats! thank you very much for linking to my cats challenge at tag tuesday! xo

pinky said...

Oh wow they are all gorgeous and each one tells a story for sure! Thanks for playing along with us at Tag Tuesday.