My interests vary from time to time but I'm always involved in some form of art creation: AI art generation, digital graphics, sketching, acrylic/or watercolors, mixed media art, photography, quilting, zentangling, handmade cards, etc, I move from one to another, back and forth between different artistic genres. Here's My Art Bag of the most current things I'm up to. Take a look and leave a message... I'd love to hear what you think.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Art Journal Journey - I've got a notion

The theme this time at Art Journal Journey is "I've got a notion."   Here are a couple of pieces of artwork with "sewing notions":

Thanks for stopping by!  See you next time...


My name is Erika. said...

These are "sew" lovely Barb. I love all the details you included. ON the second one I can just feel the fabric, and the flowers on the first are really lovely. Thanks for joining Halle's challenge at AJJ. And happy July to you, and the 4th if you celebrate. I can't yet find where you are from. :) hugs-Erika

pearshapedcrafting said...

What a lovely AJJ page for Halle's theme , hugs, Chrisx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I was blown away by these amazing journal entries. Those old fashioned treadle sewing machines reminded me of my grandmother who refused an electric machine and sewed on one like that till she died. Of course, hers were not as colorful as your beauties. I love both of these and am thrilled you joined us at Art Journal Journey using Halle's theme. Your art is amazing.