My interests vary from time to time but I'm always involved in some form of art creation: AI art generation, digital graphics, sketching, acrylic/or watercolors, mixed media art, photography, quilting, zentangling, handmade cards, etc, I move from one to another, back and forth between different artistic genres. Here's My Art Bag of the most current things I'm up to. Take a look and leave a message... I'd love to hear what you think.

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Take a Word Art Challenge - Childhood

Our theme this week at Take a Word is Childhood; I think any child would love to live in this house or walk down the path to visit her grandparents.   In fact, I'd love to live in this house!  Looks like heaven to me!

Happy 2018 to everybody! 

See you next time...


Michele said...

yes, this is a lovely scene and evokes lovely feelings! happy new year! xo

Kimbopolo said...

Love all these elements making an enchanted whole. So inviting! Happy New Year, my friend!

Deann said...

Beautiful whimsical work... well done.

Lori Saul said...

A beautiful and idyllic world-love your creation!