My interests vary from time to time but I'm always involved in some form of art creation: AI art generation, digital graphics, sketching, acrylic/or watercolors, mixed media art, photography, quilting, zentangling, handmade cards, etc, I move from one to another, back and forth between different artistic genres. Here's My Art Bag of the most current things I'm up to. Take a look and leave a message... I'd love to hear what you think.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The Three Muses Art Challenge - Turquose and Red

Our theme challenge this week at The Three Muses is Turquoise and Red.  I know being a working photographer isn't as romantic as this scene, but I had fun layering my pieces to get this romantic result. 

And I agree with Ansel Adams, "There are always two people in every picture:  the photographer and the viewer."   I hope you enjoy it!

Until next time...


Kimbopolo said...

Love, love, love your take on the theme. So creative!

Ozstuff said...

A great design and wonderful colours. The photographer is the icing on the cake. Wonderful artwork.

Taluula said...

A standing ovation from here in Yorkshire.

Deann said...

Great idea, lovely work.

indybev said...

Great presentation and use of the colors.

Anonymous said...

This is a standing ovation theme you have done. I love it.

Meggymay said...

That is a super quote you added to your wonderful page

Lori Saul said...

Wonderful style and sense of movement!