My interests vary from time to time but I'm always involved in some form of art creation: AI art generation, digital graphics, sketching, acrylic/or watercolors, mixed media art, photography, quilting, zentangling, handmade cards, etc, I move from one to another, back and forth between different artistic genres. Here's My Art Bag of the most current things I'm up to. Take a look and leave a message... I'd love to hear what you think.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Time - Take a Word Art Challenge

Take a Word's theme this week is Time.

I've been saving these ballerina elements to use - and found a good theme to pair them, young and old ballerinas.

When I was a young girl I took dance lessons, tap, ballet, acrobat, and hula.  All four in the space of an hour once a week, with my best friend, Kathy.  

Kathy and I were older than the other students, and while they continued to learn ballet positions and little dances in their ballet slippers, Kathy and I progressed to "toe."  I remember my pink silk toe shoes - just like the ones above.  And being surprised when I first got them, how "hard as a rock" the toes were.  (You have no idea how hard it was to balance on those hard toes at first!)  And the beautiful pink ribbons I wrapped around my ankles, just so.

I wish I still had them, just for the memories.  :)

Thanks for stopping by.  See you next time...

Sea World - The Three Muses

Our theme this week at The Three Muses is Sea World.  

I've decided to populate this part of the sea floor with some mermaids.  They have quite a life - just sitting around being beautiful in their Sea World. 

You know, I've neer seen a mermaid who wasn't beautiful.  😉

Thanks for visiting - see you next time...

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Bright Colors - Take a Word Art Challenge

Bright Colors - Colors of the Rainbow is the theme this week at Take A Word.  Well, I was able to find lots of elements with rainbow colors!  I think half the fun for me in doing these art challenges is finding all the challenge graphics every week!  I'm accumulating quite a collection.

Thanks for visiting.  See you next time...

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Water - Sunday Postcard Art Challenge

This week's challenge word at Sunday Postcard Art is Water.   It's pretty amazing how many creatures I found made out of water, so I created this little grotto for the Water Creatures to play in! 😁

I just never know where these art challenge words will take me, but it's always an interesting or surprising place!

Thanks for visiting!  See you next time...

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Black and White with a Splash of Color - Take a Word Art Challenge

The theme this week at Take a Word is Black and White with a Splash of Color.

I love putting together black and white images and then adding some color.  This Audrey Hepburn image came with the Tiffany Box - and I added more of that famous blue to some of the other elements.  Fun!!!

I've always loved Audrey Hepburn and all her movies.  And Moon River was the theme of my Senior Ball in highschool - Hi, Pete! - so that's a special song, too. 

Thanks for stopping by!  See you next time...

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Splash of Red - Take a Word Art Challenge

Our challenge this week at Take A Word is A Splash of Red.  I really like the challenges with colors in the theme.

So this is the Before & After Spa Treatments shop, although the "before" woman going into the building looks as good as the "after" woman coming out.  Just a little whimsy...  🤩

I had a good time putting this one together.  It's funny how there will be a blank page on my laptop -  what to do?  What to do?  Then suddenly inspiration!  And its on....  that's when computer art collage is really fun!

And P.S.  It's true - Happy Girls are the Prettiest! 

Thanks for visiting.  See you next time...

Sunday Postcard Art - Postage Stamp People

This was an interesting challenge, one I haven't done before - or for that matter, even heard about.  The challenge this week at Sunday Postcard Art is Postage Stamp People.  The piece ABOVE is my entry and I think I've done it correctly.

Okay, so since this was a new one on me, I had to figure out with a little research what Postage Stamp People were!  I loved the samples I found and the collage below is what I made at first. 

But this morning after looking at more Postage Stamp People art when I followed the links at Sunday Postcard Art to Marion's works, I realized I should have a real stamp with a face and add a body to that stamp that flows down nicely.

So I pulled up my first try, which is below, and kept the Abe Lincoln face on the stamp and worked it so that he and my cowboy fit together nicely.  Interesting, huh?  I liked this challenge!  😊

Thanks for stopping by!  See you next time...

Saturday, March 31, 2018

The Three Muses - Hand

The theme this week at The Three Muses is Hand

I wanted to use the graphic element with two baby monkeys in a woman's hand, and built the rest around that.  :)

Thanks for stopping by.  See you next time...

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Sunday Postcard Art - Sewing

Our challenge this week at Sunday Postcard Art is Sewing - must have a dressmakers dummy.

I found a photo with five mannequins and decided to dress them all up as members of the Red Hat Society.  In the foreground is the poor woman sewing more purple dresses.

Another FUN challenge!

A strange thing happened when I was searching for a photo of mannequins/dressforms/dressmakers dummy.  My own personal photo popped up with the others labeled Mannequin.

When I was selling all my things before I took off on my motorhome trek, I snapped photos of lots of my things that I was selling in my estate sale.  This mannequin stood in the corner of my bedroom and I used to hang scarfs, hats, jackets, etc. on it. 

I posted about the estate sale and included the mannequin picture in one of my RV blog posts.  It must have been lifted out and placed in a search engine.  Weird, huh?

Thanks for checking in,  see you next time...

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Take a Word Art Challenge - Wings

I love this one!  The challenge at Take A Word is Wings - bird wings, angel wings, fairy wings, any kind of wings.

A bit ago I got this cool element of a dolphin coming up out of the water.  Then right after the Wings challenge was posted, I came across these wings made of water.  Perfect match-up!  Isn't he cute?  Dolphins always look like they're smiling.  😇

See you next time...

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The Three Muses Art Challenge - Hearts

Hearts is the challenge this week at The Three Muses.  We all love our pets so much, I went to hearts-love-dogs right away.

I loved this element of a dog waiting for the ball to be tossed - the concentration on his face!  He's so focused...

And I had to include this one, too.  Here's my dog-faced daughter - best friend - traveling companion, Katie.  She's 12 years old, a rescue dog that I adopted when she was 1 year old.  We've been through a lot together, many miles traveling, lots ups and downs, tears and laughter, so  many different experiences.  My special girl.

See you next time...

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Sunday Postcard Art - Envelopes

Our theme this week at Sunday Postcard Art is Envelopes

I was going to do this one with a large business desk that has a stack of mail on it, that'd be the Envelopes, and fluff it up from there.  But then I found the little element with an envelope bird nest full of birds and that kind of became my focus - and my desk changed to a personal home desk.  Seemed more appropriate if there was going to be an envelope nest there. 

I actually have that zen doodle design book - I used it here along with a zen doodle art piece in progress.  That one isn't mine.  Wish it was!  😊 I think it's beautiful.

See you next time...

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Take a Word Art Challenge - Eggs

The "word" at Take a Word this week is Eggs.  So here's my little chicken farm where the eggs come from.  I think it's interesting that chocolate eggs hatch such colorful chicks, don't you?  Ha!

The chickens and their rooster seem to think so, too.

See you next time...


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The Three Muses Art Challenge - Buttons and Bows

The Three Muses theme this week is Buttons and Bows.  When I think of buttons and bows, I think of sewing and crafts because I guess that's what I've usually done with them, on greeting cards and other projects.  In my craft room - back in the day - I had containers full of buttons in the smaller one and bows in the larger one. 

So here are my little bears in their attic room, with containers of buttons and bows.  😊

See you next time...

Monday, March 12, 2018

Sunday Postcard Art Challenge - Sisters

Sunday Postcard Art has Sisters as it's theme this week for our Art Challenge.

Three little sisters walking in the rain - and who knows?  Maybe the three large cows are sisters, too.  😉

See you next time...

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Take a Word Art Challenge - Green

It's a Green Challenge this week at Take a Word - very appropriate since St. Patrick's Day is coming up on March 17.

Of course I went on a hunt for gnomes, fairies, leprechauns, pots of gold and beer.  That poor little gnome in the middle tripped and spilled a whole mug of beer.  Aaawwwww,  that was too bad.  💚

I also loved the quote from Winston Churchill - such an English thing to say, right?  I'm part English and part Irish and I love them both, of course!   

Happy St. Patrick's Day, a bit early.  🍀 

See you next time...

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

The Three Muses Art Challenge - Animal

Our challenge theme this week at The Three Muses is Animal (not cat or dog).

I had recently collected some Peacock elements and wanted to use them.  Are they considered animals?  Well, they aren't mineral or vegetable, so...   Isn't the large male with the open tail feathers a beauty?

See you next time...

Monday, March 5, 2018

Take a Word Art Challenge - Blue and White

The challenge theme at Take a Word this week is Blue and White.  This was a fun one! 

I love walls and windows and doors, etc. and had this element in my stash of a blue wall with lots and lots of windows.  Perfect.  I worked on the wall a bit and put it through a couple of programs to give it more texture.  Then I found some white graphics and added them in some of the windows, as well as LOTS of eyes - The better to see you with, my dear!   Then came the monkeys, elves, fairies, and animals and a BIG beautiful blue eye watching over the scene. 

My favorites in the windows are the monkeys/gorilla.  😁  I have a feeling we're going to see that baby monkey again.  I love that element.

As I said, this was really fun.  If you have some extra time click on the Take a Word link to see some of the other entries - even though it was just posted yesterday there are a lot of them already.  It's amazing how one theme will go in so many directions! 

See you next time...

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Sunday Postcard Art Challenge - Springtime

The theme this week at Sunday Postcard Art is Springtime

It's coming soon here in the United States, not soon enough for a lot of us!  Happy Springtime!

See you next time...

Monday, February 26, 2018

The Three Muses Art Challenge - Floral

Our challenge word this week at The Three Muses is Floral.  These looked like spring flowers to me, beautiful colors, and this little fairy has clothes and wings that matched!  Wasn't that lucky?  😉

Can you see the three gnomes hiding, hoping to watch her fly?

See you next time...

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Take a Word Art Challenge - Silhouettes

Our Theme this week at Take a Word is Silhouettes.  I liked this element of the young woman in silhouette with a dress made of butterflies.  Is he proposing?  ❤  How romantic!

See you next time...

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Sunday Postcard Art Challenge - Alter Mona

This week's challenge at Sunday Postcard Art is Alter Mona.  I had this great graphic of the Mona Lisa dripping with colorful paint - I loved it and hoped to use it.  Enter...Alter Mona!  Perfect.

I gave her a feathered headdress, to which I added a couple of things, then the beautiful owl, a few more elements, and here's my Alter Mona.

This is one of my favorites that I've done so far.  Hope you like it!

See you next time...

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Sunday Postcard Art Challenge - BINGO

This week's theme at Sunday Postcard Art is BINGO.  I don't play BINGO and this one kind of eluded me as far as how to put a BINGO challenge together.  I kind of liked the bird eggs used as number covers, so I went with Bird's Egg Bingo.  Kind of crazy, but again, fun to create!

See you next time...

Take a Word Art Challenge - Moon

The theme this week at Take a Word is Moon

I haven't done a lot of artsy stuff in the past.  Not like this.  These challenges are so interesting, the way our brains work, the way we put things together, how sometimes the end result is exactly what we visualized even before we found the right elements, and sometimes we go off on a completely different direction and end up with art we like even better.  At least that's what's happening with me.

It's all a new experience and it sure is fun - and interesting!

By the way, this one is exactly what I was seeing when I thought about how I wanted to do this Moon challenge.

See you next time...