My interests vary from time to time but I'm always involved in some form of art creation: AI art generation, digital graphics, sketching, acrylic/or watercolors, mixed media art, photography, quilting, zentangling, handmade cards, etc, I move from one to another, back and forth between different artistic genres. Here's My Art Bag of the most current things I'm up to. Take a look and leave a message... I'd love to hear what you think.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Sunday Postcard Art - Upside Down

Our prompt this week at Sunday Postcard Art  is "Upside Down."  Here's my artwork for the Upside Down theme:

Thanks for stopping by!  See you next time...


Gillena Cox said...

There is so much fun in your post cards today. The first one is my favourite. Happy Sunday. Thanks for dropping by my blog


sirkkis said...

Hanging child is fun and a great idea 😊

Deann said...

The first one looks like fun. the second one looks delicious and the third one, is just tragic, but pretty. Great job as always.

peggy gatto said...

These are just wonderful, nice art!!!

Michele said...

these are so much fun! i love the little girl and the lovely poem, i extra love pineapple upside down cake, and the third piece has me giggling! xo

Aimeslee Winans said...

Love this upside down trio! I'm so envious of that little girl, would have definitely wanted that bedroom. And your mom's cake looks so yummy and yes Autumn's a time for green to be on bottom for sure, xoxo

katrin said...

I'm always amazed that you can come up with so many ideas on every topic. :-)
I think the canopy bed is every little girl's dream ;-)
The pineapple cake looks simply delicious. And the molehill (?) will probably not delight any gardener ;-)))
Best wishes

Cindy McMath said...

Wonderful collection! Thanks for playing.